Add additional search engines to GA to track
As of writing this Google Analytics tracks just 24 search engines (from 0 to 23). You can see the full list inside this file at the line #33.
The other SEs are reflected as referrals in GA reports. You can track them as "organic" just adding additional lines in the GA code on your site.
How to:
1. Go to the SE you want to track and type any query:"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
2. When you got the search results, look at the current URL and find the words you just typed. You will see something like this: over+the+lazy+dog&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&aq=t3. Prior to the search phrase you will see the query variable. It may be "query", "q", "s" or whatever. Remember it.
4. Hack: insert the following line right before urchinTracker function:
_uOsr[_uOsr.length]='bloodysearchengine'; _uOkw[_uOkw.length]='query';
If you want to add several SEs it should look like this:
"< src="" type="text/javascript"> < /script>
< type="text/javascript">
_uacct = 'UA-xxxx-x';
_uOsr[_uOsr.length]='bloodysearchengine'; _uOkw[_uOkw.length]='query';
_uOsr[_uOsr.length]='bloodysearchengine2'; _uOkw[_uOkw.length]='queryvariable';
_uOsr[_uOsr.length]='bloodysearchengine3'; _uOkw[_uOkw.length]='queryvariable';
< /script>"
* Note that queryvariable may be different for every search engine. You should repeat steps 1-3 each time you want to add new SE.
The benefit of use of _uOsr.length and _uOkw.length instead of just numbers is your independence from the quantity of SEs in the urchin.js file. When Google increase the quantity of items in the list your SEs will be above them anyway.
Since you updated the code your google analytics will treat all traffic from as organic not referral.
Your thoughts?