Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New google Analytics Interfcace

Google just announced new version of Google Analytics.

They say:

The new version of Google Analytics is easy enough for a layperson to understand, but also offers the sophistication experienced users need.
To get used to the new interface they suggest "Report Finder Tool": You can find the report you need using the old structure.

looks very smooth. But I am sure it is still far from what exactly users want. They prove it theirselves

Functionality of the product is not changing - only the interface
This is very sad: they spend huge amounts of time and money on the interface appearance but not improve the product itself


fastpagemode said...

I would disagree on the point of not improving the product itself. I'd say it has quite a few nifty little features. See some of the new Google Analytics Features on a post fairly conteporary with yours - just a bit ago.

Сеня said...

when I say "improving the product itself" I mean
-decreasing the quantity of bugs: data is not always match with adwords reports and alternative statistics (which is 100% trusted)
-increasing the level of integration with other google services (e.g. adwords)

but they have improved just the "package" not functionality. (sorry, the only additional functionality appeared is the e-mail reporting)

Conclusions: GA became more convenient to use due to implementation of measure map but it not improved it in substance.

Correct me if I'm wrong.